Community Outreach Services
The Spauling Center manages many community support programs and you do not need to be a member of the center to take advantage of any of these services listed below. For more information on any of these programs, or to volunteer, please contact the Center (207-967-8514).
Caregiver Support Group
Caregiving can be a lonely role that is demanding and physically exhausting. This group is designed for you to get the understanding and support needed for this most difficult life experience. If you are the primary caregiver of a loved one, this group could offer the help needed to navigate your journey.
The facilitator has had extensive experience in group facilitation in public schools, at UNE, and for various community groups. She has been a caregiver herself and would like to be able to help others. This group meets every Monday, 11:00-12:00.
Elder Elves
Elder Elves are a special group of volunteers at the Center who collect gifts to go into festive bags that are delivered to older area residents who are alone during the holidays. Gifts are donated by businesses, residents, and Center members. Each year 70 bags are assembled for distribution. We always welcome volunteers and donations to this program.

FISH (Friends in Service Helping) Transportation
Our FISH Transportation Program volunteer drivers provide rides to Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Arundel residents who need to get to medical appointments. Riders may use FISH Transportation when they have no other means (friends, family) of getting to an appointment. We cannot handle repetitive appointments for life-sustaining procedures or clients in wheelchairs as our volunteers are not trained to handle that type of transport.
Please review the following FISH program procedures prior to registering. FISH PROGRAM PROCEDURES
You must be registered in the program before scheduling a ride. Use this form to register. FISH RIDER REGISTRATION
We are always seeking new drivers. Please use this form to apply to be a FISH Driver. FISH DRIVER APPLICATION
Tender Loving Calls
Many older residents live alone and worry about falling or having an accident at home. TLC callers can be arranged to check on the well-being of these residents and ensure they are safe. There is no charge for this service.
Grief Support Group
Grieving the loss of a loved one is a personal journey that each of us will experience at some time in our lives if we have been lucky enough to love and be loved. Whether it is a sudden death or a long expected one, the loss of that person can be emotionally devastating.
If you have recently experienced the loss of a spouse, parent, child, family member or friend and are struggling to express your feelings of sadness, loneliness or even anger to close friends and family, this grief support group will offer you the room in which to express those feelings. We will be a safe, listening, supportive presence for all who attend.
All are welcome and membership is not required.